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Tulsi Tamora

What Do Kink Providers Mean By RACK?

There was a time when BDSM was a niche term, but it’s now something even the most vanilla adults will know about! However, it’s mostly the sexual, sensational aspects of kink-speak that get the most attention. Kink’s vocabulary around consent, respect, and safety hasn’t become so mainstream. 

Georgie Wolf

Dental Dams - What They’re for and How to Use One

Dental dams are an oft-maligned tool that can be incredibly useful in a whole load of sticky situations, if you know how to use them correctly! Although dental dams aren’t often discussed in sex-ed classes, or used by civilians, they’re very useful for anyone who cares about safer sex.

Goddess Flora

A General Guide to Seeing a Trans Woman Provider

Remember to be kind and considerate with the women you reach out to, especially us trans ones. Things are tough, and it goes a long way in building a good relationship with your chosen provider, by simply remembering who they are and how they like to be treated.

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