
Hi, folks! This is Georgie here - I'm an Aussie escort, sex educator, and founder of The Satisfaction Project - a website dedicated to helping clients have amazing encounters with sex workers. I've teamed up with the folks at tryst.link to bring you

This video is a part of our crash course in escort etiquette, consent and much more. If you're new to seeing the pros, this series takes you through all basics of being a good escort client.

Enjoy a five-star client experience with helpful videos about client etiquette, your own personalized dashboard, a ‘favorites’ list, and more…

How To Choose The Right Escort

This is my personal advice when it comes to finding a great sex worker: to find the right person, look beyond physical appearance. It's really easy to get carried away looking at all the sexy photos on an escort ad site. You might spend a lot of time browsing through the pics hoping to find someone who exactly matches your preferred body type and appearance.

That's okay - we all have preferences. But judging an escort by appearance alone isn't the best way to find someone you're going to have an amazing date with. Just because someone is hot doesn't mean you'll get along with them or have great sexual chemistry. They might not be available in your area or give you the kind of experience you want. So just clicking on hot people doesn’t guarantee a good date.

You want to consider other details too, such as the price they charge, where they're located, the services they offer, and whether you have interests and turn-ons in common. We'll look at these in more detail in a moment as we explore Tryst’s search features.

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