You don't have to be perfect to be a provider's favorite, you just have to be considerate, respectful of boundaries, and generous. If you can meet these simple standards, there's a good chance your favorite provider will think of you as one of their favorites too!

1. Send screening information along promptly, no questions asked, and please don’t ask explicit questions to a brand-new-to-you provider via text. Know that it makes you sound like a cop, and no one likes a cop.

2. If you have to cancel, pay the cancellation fee, no push back, no questions asked. Listen, canceling a session sometimes has to happen due to circumstances out of your control. We understand this, and hope you’d understand if we needed to do the same. All we ask is that you respect our time and our policies and send the cancellation fee as soon as possible with no questions. We don't want to have to pester you for it or blacklist you.

3. Show up to your appointment on time, no more than five minutes early and never late! Showing up too early is just as much of an inconvenience as showing up late. If you booked for 5-6pm, showing up at 4:43pm is infringing on your provider’s free time or time with another client. The majority of us do not have waiting rooms so there is no reason to come to your appointment that early. Go get a soda and take a lap, boss.

4. Bring a gift. Many of us have wish lists if you’re unsure of what to bring, or you can check in and ask if your pleasure provider has a treat request. Be it small or large, a coffee or a houseplant or a small gift card for a local shop – never showing up empty handed is a sure way to end up as one of your provider’s favorites. And it’s sweet, considerate behavior that sets the tone for the session. It will be repaid manyfold by getting to see your fav provider light up and feel grateful and spoiled for the next hour or so.

5. If you enjoyed your session, tip. We are providing a service, and much of the work of sex work is done in the background, outside of a session. You may think we are charging a lot and making plenty, but if you stop to consider our admin, self care, up-keep of a space, and other assorted workloads – all that goes into bringing us together for our appointment. Considering that, you might start to understand that we may not be making as much as it seems.

6. Give genuine compliments and feedback. It's really nice to hear what you enjoy about us and our time together!

7. Book ahead when you can and when you can’t, tip big if you're looking for the convenience of on-demand, last-minute service.

8. At the end of the session please be mindful of the time and don’t stay chatting, taking an extra long shower, or getting dressed in slow motion. You paid for a certain amount of time, and  the session starts as soon as you walk in. Please respect our time and don’t take advantage of it. If you stay more than five minutes over, open up your wallet and compensate your provider for the extra time.

9. Respect our boundaries. If you’re not sure, ask. If you’ve been told, take note and please don’t make us tell you twice.

10. Our work numbers and emails are for work. If you’re texting excessively and it’s not to book a session or about any paid labor, maybe you need to ask about our paid texting services? 

It may sound like a lot but I promise, once all of these behaviors become habits, client-provider relationships will blossom and go more smoothly than ever. I’m sure you can see how many of these standards and behaviors can be superimposed onto other professional and interpersonal relationships in your life. Now get out there and be charming, be sexy, be consensual, be respectful, be generous, and be a damn favorite!

Are you a sex worker or client with tips or experiences to share? We'd love to hear from you!

The Good Client Guide destigmatizes sex work while providing guidance on how to be a better client and ally. Better experiences for workers mean better experiences for clients! To make this happen, we’re welcoming submissions from both providers and their customers.

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